I wonder why it is so hard for some people to understand that you sometimes have to post your video to get critisicm, whether it's good or bad. You need to do this to know what you need to improve for your next video, otherwise you're just standing still on step #1 all the time, doing the same mistakes over and over again and in the long run, the public will know this and won't bother watching the vids.
Personally I prefer constructive critisicm, as that is my lead on how to make my movies more interesting for the viewer and I'm sure others work the same way, unless of course you don't care and won't do any more movies in the future. But if your aim is to improve and make the vids more advanced, you need to know what the viewers like, Do's and Dont's.
Calling the moviemaker names and insulting him, won't help him to improve, in fact it might make him to lose interest in creating videos which would be a shame because I personally see some potential in the video he posted. We all started somewhere and for all we know, this guy might be the next Lynce. But he won't get anywhere without some constructive critisicm which he gets from posting his work.
And also, as a side note - I can't see that you have posted any videos yourself, at least not in this forum. Maybe you haven't done any vids and in that case, I actually suggest that you won't voice your opinion about movie making. It's alright to say that a vid is good or bad in your eyes, but saying that it just sucks and that a self respecting man wouldn't post this vid is insulting tbh. I'd like to see you try better.
Is it your last video ever, or your latest video? :P
Ahh, the beginning was a bit boring tbh, it didn't really catch my interest which a video should do for me to watch the entire thing. Although, I read logitekg25's comment on the vid so I watched the whole vid, and as always your vid contains some very nice drifting.
I'm not sure why you make a "movie" out of something that shows nothing but dirty driving really. Yea, you won that race but not in a fair way imo. It's nothing to be proud of. As for the movie, the quote below will do.
I'm not sure where to put this. It is edited, just not in PS or so. It's a screenshot from my latest vid that's currently in the making. Screenshot taken directly from VLC, that's why the quality's bad and shows some blur around those cars. :]
I did check the iTCC replays, but for some reason no skins were loaded resulting in all those cars being entirely white, which isn't fun to use in a vid. It's strange, I loaded the replay, but never got asked to download the skins even though I have "Ask" in settings regarding skins being downloaded.
Cheers guys, will look into those links/subforums you mentioned.
Alrighty, this is the shituation.
I've been working on a new movie now for a couple of months, and I need more replays. The ones I have has been overused and I no longer feel like using the same footage over and over again, with the only difference being the camera angles.
So, I'm searching for racing replays. Whether it's replays from leagues or just pick-up races doesn't matter, as long as the racing is good and clean, with as little lag as possible of course.
I'm not sure how I'm going to get those replays, but if you have one/several you would like to share, perhaps you can upload them in a single .rar file to any given upload site?
I didn't like the oversaturation, the colors are too strong imo. I've did that "mistake" in some of my movies as well, after that I prefer softer colors if you know what I mean by that. Also, some camera movements were a bit iffy. This isn't a big deal though. It's a nice movie overall, and I enjoyed watching it. As the guy above mentioned, the music fits well. :]
I'm not sure about that at all, but I've seen it too. It might depend on the bitrate. Lower resolutions with a very high bitrate might result in HD, it doesn't necessarily have to be widescreen footage to be HD, obviously. But don't take my word on this, as I'm not entirely sure what makes youtube convert 640x480 footage to HD.
I could try and experiment a little bit on this matter later on and get back to this thread with an answer, but for now I'll hope someone else who knows better than I do about this can answer the question better.
It's a decent vid, but if it would've been a "real" remake, you should've made that video as the original is, basically. Same type of intro, same music, and so on. That (for me) is a video you can call a remake. But as I said, it's a decent video anyway.
Edit: Of course, a few of those scenes in the original is very hard (impossible?) to re-create inside LFS. The scene with the fluorescent lamp for example.
That depends on which codec you render the video with. I think I read on youtube that a video rendered with H.264/MPEG-4 AVC with 1280x720 resolution, will be converted to HD. Although, I've done some testing and it seems as Xvid and 3ivx also results in HD on youtube as long as the bitrate is >3000 and the resolution is 1280x720.
Of course not, but it would be good to know why the vid was so bad that it was worth such a bad rating, if you know what I mean. I'm after critisicm, good as bad. Apparently someone thinks this vid sucks which is alright because you can't please everyone as you said. But leaving a bad rating behind without saying why and what I can do better when it comes to onboard vids.. meh. :]
I don't really know who it was beating me actually, but "I wasn't radical enough" to beat that dude. :]
Thanks to whoever rated the movie a one star without leaving a comment about why btw, it really helps. Especially when I clearly wrote that "If you're not prepared to spend 6½ minutes of your life watching a pure onboard-video, then you can leave this thread now".
This movie will not be available for download.
Producer's comment:
Something I made a few months back when I was bored, uploaded to youtube to see how it looked. Didn't look right to me so I never published it, but I'll do it now anyway. Strange aspect ratio, no special effects. Just the sound of the engines and some music in the end. If you're not prepared to spend 6½ minutes of your life watching a pure onboard-video, then you can leave this thread now.